Prague Summit of Cities

Cities are making their mark in the world - economically, culturally and politically. How will we continue to live, travel and spend our time in them? What is their role today as we face one crisis after another? How can we combat climate change and why are we, as cities, one of the most important actors in this area?

Basic information

The Prague Summit of Cities is held on the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the EU Council with the participation of dozens of Mayors and other representatives of European and world metropolises. They will focus on the subject of Ukraine's post-war reconstruction and will also offer a common platform for discussion on the development of our cities.

The two-day event is further divided into two parts: the Pact of Free Cities Summit on Monday, Sept 26, and the 11th Direct Dialogue between EU Capitals Mayors and the European Commission on Tuesday, Sept 27.

Pact of Free Cities Summit: The annual meeting of the Pact of Free Cities will discuss practical assistance to war-affected Ukraine and aid to Ukrainian refugees. The organisation's activities over the past year will be reflected upon and the event will conclude with a ceremony to welcome new member cities (including, for example, Kyiv).

11th Direct Dialogue between EU Capitals Mayors and the European Commission: The key topic will be affordable housing and green urban restoration. However, the current situation in Ukraine and practical assistance to both Ukraine and cities affected by the refugee crisis will also be reflected in the dialogues. Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission, will speak at the event. The event is supported by Eurocities.

Find the full program here.

Our Venue

The Mayor’s Residence: Mariánské náměstí 1/98, 110 00 Praha 1 – Staré Město

Center for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning (CAMP): Vyšehradská 51, 128 00 Praha 2 – Nové Město


Prague, Czech Republic


26.09 07:00-27.09.2022 14:30